Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Area Clearance

Well this is all proving be be very complicated.  We got area clearance this morning, but now we need port of call clearance.  TMO is scheduled to come on the 4th (for advanced shipment), 5th (for our main shipment), and 6th (for storage items).  Don't ask me why all our stuff can't be packed and divided up in one day...maybe because that is all too logical and "civilianized" (I know it's not a word, but it should be!).  So as it stands Kyle will stay behind and join us in Hawaii on the 7th.  Lord willing we will be granted our request for circuitous travel and will be able to leave from there to Okinawa as planned.  If not, we may have to fly to Seattle, and leave for Okinawa from there.  It makes absolutely no sense to do it that way though.  That would be a lot of flying, and our sweet Miss is just starting to come down with a head cold, so I'm praying we don't have to do it that way. This all feels so overwhelming, and illogically insane, and this whole experience has been so NOT what we wanted or planned.  Beginning with the orders we didn't want, to this chaotic disorganized last minute move. I guess that our challenge, then, is to accept all that is coming "at" us with strength, grace, and a happy trusting heart.  This is of course easier said then done.  But I'm beginning to realize "blooming where you're planted" isn't just what God wants when your life is stable and you aren't moving.  It's an everyday choice, a willingness to thrive and glorify God no matter what insanity is going on.  I keep having to remind myself of all the things I have to be thankful for.  We are all healthy, and moving as a family.  Everything else is,at the end of the day, not so vastly important.  However that being said, prayers for the rest of our plans to be smoother, and more according to what we anticipated would be great. :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Well it is Saturday, and we were hoping to have had word on area clearance by yesterday.  It could take anywhere from 2-5 work days, so we're praying hard for clearance on Monday!  Kyle told me last night he's beginning to loose faith in our ability to leave on the 3rd.  However I know that the Lord can do anything, and I know it will all work out.  I really am getting to be remarkably peaceful.  It doesn't seem real, I feel more like we're a month out from leaving still even though we only have 9 more days! Really crazy...  Anyway thank you all for the prayers!  We can feel them!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Medical Clearance!

Yesterday after over 3 months of waiting, we got medical clearance!  I was told it could take up to three weeks more, which seeing as we're already so down to the wire would mean that Kyle would have to go without us, and we'd have to join him there in Okinawa.  But through an act of the Lord, Titus' medical clearance came through late yesterday afternoon!  Today we are submitting for area clearance, the next step towards scheduling our move and moving date. I am praying we will be able to leave for our family vacation in Hawaii on September 3rd per our prior arrangements, without anyone having to stay behind or come back early to finish packing. It's crazy how close this is all getting, but I trust that the Lord knows what we need. Things still to do is a final yard sale, selling our cars and motorcycle (the process is already started), scheduling TMO (and then moving :) ), and finally cleaning the house and checking out of housing! We would appreciate continued prayer as there are still some things out of our control that need to fall into place before we can check out here, and set our sights on "The Orient" (as my grandma would say). :)  But as it is, we're one step closer to being on our way...and that is a HUGE blessing!!!