Saturday, October 11, 2014

TCCOR Levels

So my Mother-In-Law pointed out earlier that she had no idea what a TCCOR level was. I realized I automatically assumed that my readers would know this, though I had no idea what this was prior to being stationed here. So for those of you who love weather (and/or want to know what is drilled into the head of every active duty and family member when we arrive here), here is a list of TCCOR Levels and what they mean. :)

Typhoon Update

Well I think I can safely announce Typhoon Vong Fong has officially blown past us, and I am so thankful it was not as fierce as we were told it would be. Neoguri set our entire house to vibrating, and I was so nervous that would happen again. However as the eye of the storm slowly approached, it quickly began losing velocity and diminished from a category 5 to a category 1. I have read various weather updates calling it a "magic trick" or a "disappearing act". But I'm sure it was all the prayers from our safety that did it. A friend of mine quoted this verse, and I believe it fits this typhoon perfectly "And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" Mark 4:41 We are currently still in TCCOR 1-E, but are expected to go into TCCOR 1 Recovery sometime this morning, and Storm Watch (when we come out of lockdown), sometime this afternoon. Thank you all for the prayers and loving concern!!! <3

Typhoon Vong Fong

Well, we have been in lock down all day with Typhoon Vong Fong. I will admit, there have been some tense moments today. But ultimately, all is overshadowed by God's provision for our every need (like our electricity coming back on after being out all afternoon...right before dinner time). I know the worst is yet to come, as we are in the pocket between the outer rings, and the main typhoon body. But one thing I KNOW, and that is that God is bigger then this storm, and has got this all under control. So while I still have my freak out moments (like when we get a tornado warning in the middle of a typhoon!), and while we are still having a "typhoon party" in the kids room, it is not impossible for my high strung self to stay calm (even in the middle of a natural disaster that really does remind a person of how NOT in control they are). I will update the blog with more news on the storm as it comes. For now, I think I am going to take advantage of the quiet outside to get some sleep. :)

Long Time No See

So I have been terrible about updating this blog, as y'all can clearly see. However...I am going to endeavor to be better. When I started this blog, I wanted to share with my family at home all the wonders of a different culture, and let them know what was going on in my life. However, with four kids and a fifth on the way, describing the wonders of "good" ramen, or the intricacies of bull fighting (think sumo wrestling with animals) has not been a high priority. In fact to be quite honest, I completely forgot about this blog till today. So...instead of trying to make this site into some sort of cultural geography report (which could MAYBE double as a resource/citation for a high school paper), I am going to just blog about us. My thoughts, what goes on in our days, and all the amazing things God is doing in our life. I hope you all enjoy my ramblings, and updates. :)