I know I have been bad about updating the blog, and I promise I will get around to it (eventually...lol!). We have been very busy moving in, getting adjusted, and establishing friendships. We have been very blessed with a couple friends right off the bat...two other Marine Corps families that flew in to Okinawa the same day we did. One of these friends just posted this on her facebook, and I wanted to share it as many ways as I possibly could. This girl has managed to maintain her faith, her sweetness, and her smile through the most difficult of circumstances...losing a child. I can't even begin to imagine what their family has gone through over the last year or so. PLEASE at least read this link, and pray about what you can do to support this family. Whether it's a donation, or prayers, this family has been through a lot and I would love for them to be at very least lifted up in prayer by brothers and sisters around the globe. Romans 12:15 comes to my mind right now. "Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:15 My heart aches even imagining what it must feel like to have an angel taken back to Heaven. And while they will see their sweet little boy again some day his absence leaves a huge hole of grief in their hearts. Please join us in prayer and (if you are so lead) supporting this amazing cause.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A long overdue update
Well we have been here for ten days, and I am just finding
time to update the blog. Last Monday we
went to the housing office on Camp Courtney and got told that they were almost
at capacity (due to massive renovations in housing, to get asbestos out of the homes.
Seems like this renovation would have been long overdue, right?) and that we
would have to go find a place to live out in town. While this news was very
overwhelming and not at all what we wanted to hear. After three or four looong days of looking we
found a house, which has relieved a lot of pressure. It is really small, with all Japanese
appliances which should make for an interesting adjustment period. But it is
really nice, in a safe neighborhood and relatively central to all the bases
around here. The other location is also great because it is one of the safest
places on the island when it comes to natural disasters.
The second thing we did last week was go to our Welcome
Aboard Brief, and get our SOFA driver’s license. The brief was very informative. Since it was all day, we left the kids with
our sponsor’s wife and eldest daughter, and they had a blast and we were able
to focus on everything we were getting inundated with. I made a few new friends, and after getting
our licenses we went and bought a car.
Our sponsor took us to a little car dealership that they had used. Everyone there spoke English very well, but buying
a car here is a definite culture shock experience. First of all, the price of their car will
automatically come down, without haggling, by 1200 yen. Don’t ask me how that works, but you start
haggling with the price of the car minus 1200 yen as your max price. Prices of cars aren’t even CLOSE to being as
crazy expensive as they are back in the states, but I think part of that is
because they aren’t built to the same safety regulations we have in the US, and
also because they gouge you with various yearly taxes! Road tax, sticker tax…you pay more the bigger
your engine is, it’s crazy!!!! Anyway
once you buy a car and do the paperwork, you can’t pick it up for a few
days!!! I think part of that (if not all
of it) is because they need that time to get the vehicle out of the jenga like
maize they have it in! So while we
bought the car Wednesday after our Welcome Aboard, we only got to pick it up on
Friday (right before the typhoon hit). It was one of the VERY few cars that
could fit all of us, and the monster stroller.
Which for me is a necessity, and will make days at the aquarium or zoo
much more enjoyable. I will post
pictures of the “Buff Mobile” a little later, as I should run right now.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Ok well we are finally here in Okinawa. We got in at about 8 something Friday night
after a long and arduous day of travel.
The kids were really good considering they only slept for MAYBE two
hours of the approximately 22 hours we were traveling. To make matters worse they had only gotten a
few hours sleep the night prior (because we had to be up so early) and they
were starting to not feel well (and I’m sure head congestion made the three ups
and downs VERY difficult on their little ears).
I was fully prepared for the long flight, and even expected some dirty
looks (though I got remarkably few of those.
There were a LOT of little ones on our flight, and as to be expected
other parents are very understanding) but the layovers and stops were what
killed. We had to get off, unload most
of our bags, and wait for two to three hours at each stop. I learned something very important through
this experience, though. As much as it
is nice for everyone to have their own entertainment bag, in the future all
entertainment will be lugged around by me.
It’s just WAY too much work to be juggling back packs, a diaper bag, a
purse, and little entertainment bags along with one or two babies as you walk
down stairs and across a tarmac! But all
in all the experience was not as terrible as it could have been, the flights
were really pretty smooth, the kids were awesome, and we are healthy so I am
thankful. I think the most frustrations
were from seemingly illogically long layovers, and the fact that three of our
suitcases, and one of the awnings for the stroller were broken due to
carelessness. But that cannot be helped
and I have some new ideas on how to make the whole flying experience more
enjoyable in the future. J Jet lag has not been as bad as I had
expected, but we were up at 0430 this morning so I’m ready for a nap and the
kids are sleeping so I will sign off for now.
We will be posting about our last few days in Seattle, and our
experiences here (it’s still pretty surreal.
Our sponsors are WONDERFUL though!!! We were really blessed!) so stay
tuned. J We love you all and thank you for all of the
prayers for our travels!
Ok well we are finally here in Okinawa. We got in at about 8 something Friday night
after a long and arduous day of travel.
The kids were really good considering they only slept for MAYBE two
hours of the approximately 22 hours we were traveling. To make matters worse they had only gotten a
few hours sleep the night prior (because we had to be up so early) and they
were starting to not feel well (and I’m sure head congestion made the three ups
and downs VERY difficult on their little ears).
I was fully prepared for the long flight, and even expected some dirty
looks (though I got remarkably few of those.
There were a LOT of little ones on our flight, and as to be expected
other parents are very understanding) but the layovers and stops were what
killed. We had to get off, unload most
of our bags, and wait for two to three hours at each stop. I learned something very important through
this experience, though. As much as it
is nice for everyone to have their own entertainment bag, in the future all
entertainment will be lugged around by me.
It’s just WAY too much work to be juggling back packs, a diaper bag, a
purse, and little entertainment bags along with one or two babies as you walk
down stairs and across a tarmac! But all
in all the experience was not as terrible as it could have been, the flights
were really pretty smooth, the kids were awesome, and we are healthy so I am
thankful. I think the most frustrations
were from seemingly illogically long layovers, and the fact that three of our
suitcases, and one of the awnings for the stroller were broken due to
carelessness. But that cannot be helped
and I have some new ideas on how to make the whole flying experience more
enjoyable in the future. J Jet lag has not been as bad as I had
expected, but we were up at 0430 this morning so I’m ready for a nap and the
kids are sleeping so I will sign off for now.
We will be posting about our last few days in Seattle, and our
experiences here (it’s still pretty surreal.
Our sponsors are WONDERFUL though!!! We were really blessed!) so stay
tuned. J We love you all and thank you for all of the
prayers for our travels!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Seattle Adventures
We are enjoying our time here in Seattle. Yesterday we got to see Uncle Rob and Aunt Sue with their adorable dog Duke! It was a day of firsts for our children. It was the first time Titus and Calli had root beer, first trip to Baskin' Robin's, first time the kids had ice cream on ice cream cones, and it was the first time Miss had ice cream period (thank you Daddy!). We will be seeing Uncle Rob and Aunt Sue tomorrow as well, which we are all really looking forward to. As for today we went to Pike Place Market, which was so much fun! We got coffee from the original Starbucks (which was surprisingly not as great as you would think...they burned their drip coffee) and then walked around and enjoyed the experience. There were a bunch of different small time musicians playing, which we thoroughly enjoyed! I have been trying to get the video to upload onto youtube, but it's taking forever to load so I'll upload the link to that later. :) Anyway we ended the afternoon eating at a tiny place called Lowell's, which was a VERY good little seafood place. All in all, it was a very fun outing. Titus fell asleep on the drive home, which has made for a late night for me as he couldn't seem to fall asleep. He sat in bed sweetly enough, talking to himself, until I let him get up and eat left over pizza as I did laundry (the hotel has two laundry machines which are free to use!) and while the boys watched WWE clips on youtube. But everyone is sleeping now, and the drier should be finished shortly so I'm off for now! :)
First sip of root beer
Looking at pictures of Duke on the phone
Watching Duke chill in the car
My husband, and godfather :)
Uncle Rob was giving Titus treats to "feed" to Duke. The result was Titus throwing treats around the parking lot, and one ended up in someone's car! Ooops!
Checking out the options...
Miss' first taste of ice cream! :)
Aunt Sue with both big kids! :)
Proud Gold Card Holder
The Original Starbucks
Sister love. They were chatting it up, and laughing together while they ate.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Seattle Washington...the first step of our journey
Today we flew Space Available from Hickam Air Force Base Hawaii to McChord Air Force Base Washington. "Space A" was a very interesting experience, and not as bad as I thought it would be. At 1800 yesterday evening, after saying goodbye to our precious family after a wonderful time in Hawaii (which I will post about when I have more time and all the pictures) Kyle and I headed to Hickam with the intent to try to get on the 0300 flight to Guam. However when we arrived and started looking at the data (seats released, the number of people interested in that flight, the terrible weather there at the moment, and how many times a week flights go from Guam to Okinawa) Kyle made the call it would be safer to fly from Hawaii to Seattle Washington for our Port of Call on the 20th (since our request for circuitous travel had been denied). There was a flight leaving at 0415 this morning, and seeing as it was already 2100 on Friday we decided to stay at the passenger terminal at Hickam. Kyle went and returned our rental car, and I stayed with the baggage and children. At first all three of the babies were sleeping, but it was short lived and Amerylis and Titus were up by midnight and keeping us company. Calli, ever the good sleeper, managed to sleep till roll was called for our flight at around 0200. I had no clue that you had to wear closed toed shoes in order to fly space a. Because I had no shoes other then one pair of flip flops with me, I ended up wearing Kyle's chuck tailors for the day. After checking our bags and going through security, we got loaded into an empty cargo plane. The flight was one of the smoothest I have ever been on, but the draw back was that it was REALLY loud! And the kid's ear plugs wouldn't stay in. After the flight my ears were buzzing, and I'm sure there's were too. Anyway Miss slept most of the flight, Calli and Titus didn't sleep more then half of it however. Which was fine seeing as Calli got some sleep the night prior, but Titus was up all night! I had no clue how that boy was still awake and happy! After landing the kids and I stayed in the waiting area for families with young children (which I have never seen in a civilian airport. It's so nice!) while Kyle got a rental car. We are staying on the air force base for the next few days, in a really nice hotel!!! The kids are finally sleeping, and I'm exhausted after only a few hours rest myself so I will turn in but will make sure to post some pictures of Hawaii soon. Tomorrow we are planning on meeting my Uncle Rob and Aunt Sue half way between their house and our hotel. I am really looking forward to seeing them, and will be sure to update you all on our activities here in Seattle.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Area Clearance
Well this is all proving be be very complicated. We got area clearance this morning, but now we need port of call clearance. TMO is scheduled to come on the 4th (for advanced shipment), 5th (for our main shipment), and 6th (for storage items). Don't ask me why all our stuff can't be packed and divided up in one day...maybe because that is all too logical and "civilianized" (I know it's not a word, but it should be!). So as it stands Kyle will stay behind and join us in Hawaii on the 7th. Lord willing we will be granted our request for circuitous travel and will be able to leave from there to Okinawa as planned. If not, we may have to fly to Seattle, and leave for Okinawa from there. It makes absolutely no sense to do it that way though. That would be a lot of flying, and our sweet Miss is just starting to come down with a head cold, so I'm praying we don't have to do it that way. This all feels so overwhelming, and illogically insane, and this whole experience has been so NOT what we wanted or planned. Beginning with the orders we didn't want, to this chaotic disorganized last minute move. I guess that our challenge, then, is to accept all that is coming "at" us with strength, grace, and a happy trusting heart. This is of course easier said then done. But I'm beginning to realize "blooming where you're planted" isn't just what God wants when your life is stable and you aren't moving. It's an everyday choice, a willingness to thrive and glorify God no matter what insanity is going on. I keep having to remind myself of all the things I have to be thankful for. We are all healthy, and moving as a family. Everything else is,at the end of the day, not so vastly important. However that being said, prayers for the rest of our plans to be smoother, and more according to what we anticipated would be great. :)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Well it is Saturday, and we were hoping to have had word on area clearance by yesterday. It could take anywhere from 2-5 work days, so we're praying hard for clearance on Monday! Kyle told me last night he's beginning to loose faith in our ability to leave on the 3rd. However I know that the Lord can do anything, and I know it will all work out. I really am getting to be remarkably peaceful. It doesn't seem real, I feel more like we're a month out from leaving still even though we only have 9 more days! Really crazy... Anyway thank you all for the prayers! We can feel them!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Medical Clearance!
Yesterday after over 3 months of waiting, we got medical clearance! I was told it could take up to three weeks more, which seeing as we're already so down to the wire would mean that Kyle would have to go without us, and we'd have to join him there in Okinawa. But through an act of the Lord, Titus' medical clearance came through late yesterday afternoon! Today we are submitting for area clearance, the next step towards scheduling our move and moving date. I am praying we will be able to leave for our family vacation in Hawaii on September 3rd per our prior arrangements, without anyone having to stay behind or come back early to finish packing. It's crazy how close this is all getting, but I trust that the Lord knows what we need. Things still to do is a final yard sale, selling our cars and motorcycle (the process is already started), scheduling TMO (and then moving :) ), and finally cleaning the house and checking out of housing! We would appreciate continued prayer as there are still some things out of our control that need to fall into place before we can check out here, and set our sights on "The Orient" (as my grandma would say). :) But as it is, we're one step closer to being on our way...and that is a HUGE blessing!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I never really considered starting a blog...I don't really have too much time on my hands with which to keep one up. However I felt it not only advantageous, but necessary since we are about to embark on an incredible journey half way across the world as we get stationed in Okinawa Japan. Seeing as it is already hard enough to find time to communicate with loved ones with three babies, and when you add to that the sheer quantity of my family and the soon to be 11-14 hour time differences, this just seemed to be the best way to stay in touch. I will not be doing much updating as of yet, since we are still approximately six weeks out from our PCS. With our immunizations holding up our medical clearance, I know we will be scrambling to get out of here come the end of August and there is plenty to do in the meantime. But I'm sure once I hit Okinawa, and the dust begins to settle, I will have a little more time to blog. :)
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