We are enjoying our time here in Seattle. Yesterday we got to see Uncle Rob and Aunt Sue with their adorable dog Duke! It was a day of firsts for our children. It was the first time Titus and Calli had root beer, first trip to Baskin' Robin's, first time the kids had ice cream on ice cream cones, and it was the first time Miss had ice cream period (thank you Daddy!). We will be seeing Uncle Rob and Aunt Sue tomorrow as well, which we are all really looking forward to. As for today we went to Pike Place Market, which was so much fun! We got coffee from the original Starbucks (which was surprisingly not as great as you would think...they burned their drip coffee) and then walked around and enjoyed the experience. There were a bunch of different small time musicians playing, which we thoroughly enjoyed! I have been trying to get the video to upload onto youtube, but it's taking forever to load so I'll upload the link to that later. :) Anyway we ended the afternoon eating at a tiny place called Lowell's, which was a VERY good little seafood place. All in all, it was a very fun outing. Titus fell asleep on the drive home, which has made for a late night for me as he couldn't seem to fall asleep. He sat in bed sweetly enough, talking to himself, until I let him get up and eat left over pizza as I did laundry (the hotel has two laundry machines which are free to use!) and while the boys watched WWE clips on youtube. But everyone is sleeping now, and the drier should be finished shortly so I'm off for now! :)
First sip of root beer
Looking at pictures of Duke on the phone
Watching Duke chill in the car
My husband, and godfather :)
Uncle Rob was giving Titus treats to "feed" to Duke. The result was Titus throwing treats around the parking lot, and one ended up in someone's car! Ooops!
Checking out the options...
Miss' first taste of ice cream! :)
Aunt Sue with both big kids! :)
Proud Gold Card Holder
The Original Starbucks
Sister love. They were chatting it up, and laughing together while they ate.
I'm loving the updates! Love and miss you sis!