Saturday, September 22, 2012


Ok well we are finally here in Okinawa.  We got in at about 8 something Friday night after a long and arduous day of travel.  The kids were really good considering they only slept for MAYBE two hours of the approximately 22 hours we were traveling.  To make matters worse they had only gotten a few hours sleep the night prior (because we had to be up so early) and they were starting to not feel well (and I’m sure head congestion made the three ups and downs VERY difficult on their little ears).  I was fully prepared for the long flight, and even expected some dirty looks (though I got remarkably few of those.  There were a LOT of little ones on our flight, and as to be expected other parents are very understanding) but the layovers and stops were what killed.  We had to get off, unload most of our bags, and wait for two to three hours at each stop.  I learned something very important through this experience, though.  As much as it is nice for everyone to have their own entertainment bag, in the future all entertainment will be lugged around by me.  It’s just WAY too much work to be juggling back packs, a diaper bag, a purse, and little entertainment bags along with one or two babies as you walk down stairs and across a tarmac!  But all in all the experience was not as terrible as it could have been, the flights were really pretty smooth, the kids were awesome, and we are healthy so I am thankful.  I think the most frustrations were from seemingly illogically long layovers, and the fact that three of our suitcases, and one of the awnings for the stroller were broken due to carelessness.  But that cannot be helped and I have some new ideas on how to make the whole flying experience more enjoyable in the future. J  Jet lag has not been as bad as I had expected, but we were up at 0430 this morning so I’m ready for a nap and the kids are sleeping so I will sign off for now.  We will be posting about our last few days in Seattle, and our experiences here (it’s still pretty surreal.  Our sponsors are WONDERFUL though!!! We were really blessed!) so stay tuned. J  We love you all and thank you for all of the prayers for our travels!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad y'all made it safely! I can't wait to see pictures! <3
